Gaining a Better Understanding of the Impact of Digital Delivery Initiatives
Only 8% of companies believe their current business model would remain economically sustainable if their industry keeps digitizing at the current rate. While digital transformation is a key component to building a successful organization, it is important to fully understand each customer needs, streamline your systems, and focus on what is most profitable.
This white paper addresses key points of consideration when developing a digital strategy, including:
- What recent customers’ digital initiatives tell us;
- Understanding what the consumer wants from self- and assisted-service; and
- Defining tomorrow’s retail digital delivery state.
Moving to digital delivery changes the customer relationship, making risk detection harder to achieve when in-person interactions are reduced. We hope this use case white paper contributes to our customer’s ability to respond to digitization assertively and across multiple dimensions, defining a comprehensive digital blueprint that is customer centric, cost effective, and revenue generating, while it minimizes risk.
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