Using Analytical Software to Create Better Business Outcomes.
Prior to the establishment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the 1950s, business applications were limited. With the invention of "Expert systems" in the 1980s, business landscapes were disrupted, facilitating human decision-making and knowledge discovery automation.
Since then, analytical software methods have added value to forward-thinking business executives across industries, such as:
- Identifying needs and opportunity,
- Detecting risk and uncertainty,
- Improving prediction accuracy,
- and more.
This white paper illustrates ARGO's decision software support and predictive analytics technology through the use of analytical methods.
ARGO analytical software competency encompasses diverse methods to expand value-add for ARGO application software solutions, including:
- Artificial Intelligence (AI),
- Predictive Outcomes with Machine Learning,
- Decisioning and Classification,
- and Business Process Workflow Automation.
Download your copy to learn more about how ARGO's technologically advanced solutions streamline and improve processes for financial institutions.