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SB Integrity Audit

Analytics expertise to help dramatically reduce patient index duplicate rates

A duplicate record is estimated to cost anywhere from $20 to over $100 when considering the time and cost for repeated or incorrect tests, additional registration, incorrect or incomplete claims, and slower collection cycles. As the cost of duplicate records continues to increase, organizations need a new approach to better manage health information and reduce duplicate record rates. ARGO’s IntegrityID Audit Service offers a way to realize the benefits of clean and accurate patient data that leaves the health information management (HIM) staff free to perform daily clinical and operational functions.

Key features include:

  • Comprehensive needs assessment and HIPAA-compliant data extraction
  • Profiling and analysis using ARGO data profiling and probabilistic matching tools
  • Recommendations for resolving duplicate output files

Download the IntegrityID Audit solution brief to learn how ARGO’s service can help your organization dramatically reduce patient index duplicate rates.